Tenant Guides


For all tenant related FAQ’s, please visit the Tenancy Services’ website

You will find other useful tenant related information down below.

House Keeping

Electricity, phone, and gas: It is your responsibility to have all services at the property placed in your name and to arrange a final meter reading before vacating.

Contact numbers for these services are:

EnergyMercury: 0800 10 18 10

Meridian: 0800 49 64 96

Empower: 0800 34 00 00

Genesis: 0800 30 04 00

Trustpower: 0800 80 90 00

GasContact Energy: 0800 80 90 00

TelephoneTelecom: 123

TelstraClear: 0508 88 80 00

Tenancy Services 0800 83 62 62Bond Information 0800 737 666

Rental Payments

Rent under your Residential Tenancy Agreement is payable in advance at all times. If you are ever unable to make a payment please contact Inspire immediately.

If we do not receive your rent and you have not contacted us we will apply to Tenancy Tribunal to gain possession of the property and have all rental monies owed paid.

Property Inspection Report

A copy of the Property Inspection Report is given to you at the commencement of your tenancy. The report outlines the condition of the property when you move in.

When you vacate the property, its condition is compared with when you moved in. Any difference (except fair wear and tear) is your responsibility.

Periodic Inspection

During your tenancy, we will inspect your property every three months after first giving you 48 hours’ notice. You do not need to be at the property during the inspection if you don’t want to be.

The purpose of inspections is to advise the landlord of the condition of the property and how it is being maintained.

Repairs and Maintenance

Requests for repairs and maintenance must be made by us. You are not allowed to arrange your own repairs or maintenance unless otherwise discussed.

We will attend to all repairs as quickly as possible; however, often we must get the owner’s approval and obtain quotes before any work can start.

If you move in and find you have no hot water please check the switch by the cylinder and make sure the power switch is on. Failing this, locate the main switchboard in your home and check to see if the hot water switch is in the on position.

Bond Payments

Bonds are paid to Inspire Property and then lodged with the Bond Processing Centre and held as security against unpaid rent or damage to the property.

You will receive written confirmation from Tenancy Services when they have received payment along with a Bond Lodgement Number for your reference.

Your bond will be refunded to you by the Bond Centre after the property is fully vacated, less any deductions that may be agreed or directed by the Tenancy Tribunal.

Ending Your Tenancy Agreement

Your tenancy agreement is a legal contract that protects you and the property owner. If you wish to end this agreement you must provide 28 days’ notice in writing to Inspire Property Management.

If unforeseen circumstances arise during a fixed tenancy and you have to leave the property before the lease expires, please contact us right away. We will do our best to find another tenant to take over your agreement. You will be responsible for all rent until another tenant moves in.