Website Terms of Use

  1. Definitions and interpretation of these Terms:
    • Content includes all material and information displayed on the Site, including real-time or other information, notices, data, text, materials, graphics, software, tools, results, names, logos and trademarks on the Site.
    • Inspire NZ, us or we means Inspire Real Estate Limited and Inspire Property Management Limited and includes any related company (as that term is defined in the Companies Act 1993) of either of them.
    • Site means Inspire NZ’s Inspire | New Zealand website found at
    • Terms means these terms and conditions of access to, and use of, the Site, and our privacy policy.
    • You or your means you, the person using the Site.
  2. AccessAccess to the Site is subject to the absolute discretion of Inspire NZ.  Inspire NZ may deny you access to the Site at any time without notice.  By using this Site, you confirm that you have read and understood the Terms and agree to be bound by them when using the Site.
  3. Content
    • All Content is protected by copyright, trade mark and other intellectual property laws unless expressly indicated otherwise on the Site. All rights, title and interest in and to the Content are owned by Inspire NZ or Inspire NZ’s licensor(s).  If the owner of any material published on the Site is not Inspire NZ, your rights in respect of that material will be as defined by the copyright owner of the material concerned.
    • Inspire NZ grants you a non-exclusive licence to view and print Content and make such copies as are reasonably necessary for this purpose. Any copies of Content that you make must retain all applicable copyright and other notices on the Site. Except as provided above, you may not copy, store (either in hard copy or in an electronic retrieval system), use, modify, transmit, publish, reproduce, post, distribute, sell, license, or otherwise transfer any Content to a third party.
    • You must not use the Site or the Content in any manner or for any purpose which is unlawful or which violates any right of Inspire NZ or the owner of any Content.
  4. Disclaimer
    • You acknowledge that the Content may not be accurate or complete. Inspire NZ will use reasonable endeavours, but shall not be liable, to rectify any material error in any of the Content as soon as reasonably practicable after being notified of such.
    • You are solely responsible for any actions you take in reliance on the Content.  If you want to rely on any Content, you should contact Inspire NZ first. Inspire NZ and its directors, officers, agents, employees or contractors:
      • To the maximum extent permitted by law, exclude all representations, warranties, conditions and other terms (including any conditions implied by law of satisfactory quality, fitness for purpose and the use of reasonable care and skill) which but for these Terms might have effect in relation to the Site and the Content;
      • Do not warrant that any of the functions contained in the Site or your access to the Site will be uninterrupted or error-free, and Inspire NZ will have no liability arising from your access to, or use of, the Site or the Content.
    • We may revise these Terms at any time without prior notice to you. It is your responsibility to ensure you review and understand the Terms applicable to the use of the Site every time you access it.  If you do not wish to accept any new terms and conditions, you should not continue to use the Site.
  5. Liability
    • Inspire NZ and its personnel exclude all liability and responsibility for any loss or damage, whether arising in tort (including negligence), contract or otherwise that you or any third party may incur or suffer in connection with your use of the Site or Content, including loss or damage due to viruses that may infect your computer equipment, software, data or other property on account of your access to, use or browsing of, the Site or your downloading of Content from the Site or content from any websites linked to the Site.
    • Nothing in these Terms shall exclude or limit our liability to you for any liability which cannot be lawfully excluded or limited.
    • You agree to indemnify us fully, defend and hold us and our personnel harmless from and against all claims, liability, damages, losses, costs (including reasonable legal fees) arising out of:
      • Any breach of the Terms by you (or anyone under your control); or
      • Your access to, or use of, the Site or the Content (otherwise than in accordance with these Terms).
  6. Links
    • The Site may from time to time contain links to third party web sites (other websites). Other websites may not be under the control of Inspire NZ and Inspire NZ takes no responsibility for the content of other websites. The inclusion on the Site of a link to any other website does not imply any endorsement by Inspire NZ of that other website.
    • Inspire NZ prohibits caching, unauthorised hypertext links (including deep linking) to the Site and the framing of any content without Inspire NZ’s prior written consent. Inspire NZ reserves the right to disable any unauthorised frames or links to or from the Site.
  7. Cookies
    • A cookie is a small text file which Inspire NZ may put on your computer’s hard disk in order to recognise your computer at a later time. A cookie cannot read your hard drive or perform any commands on your computer and does not contain your name, address, telephone number, or email address. You may configure your web browser to not accept cookies, however, you may experience a loss of functionality as a result.
    • Amongst other things, Inspire NZ may use the information collected by cookies to track Site usage patterns or display content that is more relevant to you based on information we collect when you visit the Site.
  8. Viruses, etc By accessing or using the Site, you warrant to Inspire NZ that:
    • Your access to, or use of, the Site will not introduce anything, including any virus, trojan horse or computer programming code, which would have the effect of disrupting, impairing, disabling or otherwise adversely affecting or shutting down the Site, or denying access to any other user of the Site.
    • You have taken precautions to ensure that you are not exposed to the risk of viruses, malicious computer code or other forms of interference which may damage your own computer or device operating system. We do not accept responsibility for any such interference or damage to your systems which arises in connection with your use of this Site.
  9. Breach of Terms
    • Inspire NZ may, without prior notice to you, block your access to the Site if you or any person gaining access to the Site through you breaches any of these Terms (or Inspire NZ believes that to be the case), or Inspire NZ otherwise determines that you are accessing or using the Site or any Content in an inappropriate or unacceptable manner. In addition, Inspire NZ may take legal action in respect of any breach of these Terms.
    • If you become aware of any breach of these Terms, or any misuse of the Site or the Content you must notify Inspire NZ immediately in writing by contacting us here.
  10. Governing lawBy accessing the Site, you and Inspire NZ agree that all matters relating to your access to, or use of, the Site shall be governed by, construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of New Zealand. Any dispute arising from or in connection with these Terms is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New Zealand.